The 8th International Workshop on Agent-based Approach in Economic and Social Complex Systems



Keynote Speech

Topos Modeling of Social Conflict: Theory and Methods

sallach_davidDavid L. Sallach (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago)

Abstract: Category and topos theories provide a more expressive type of mathematical modeling and, thus, open the door to social models that are both rigorous and expressive. The present analysis draws upon four views of topos theory to construct a rich model of recognition-based logic. Topos categories provide support for: 1) set theory (and classical logic), 2) topological regions dualism. More elaborated structures support 3) a local intuitionist logic that can vary by situated circumstances and actor types, and 4) the specification regions of finely-differentiated classifiers. These tools define an integrated topos category of social recognition that makes possible diverse forms of local logic. The latter are then explored regarding their contributions to a mathematical model of social conflict. Categorial analysis of historical patterns, as well as a complementary simulation model, is used to illustrate the advantages of such an approach.

Modeling of Japanese business transactions; Evaluation of systemic risks, and stress tests

takayasu_misakoMisako Takayasu (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Abstract: By analyzing the data of business partnership among firms in
Japan we confirm that the amounts of annual sales and transaction volumes between pairs of firms are deeply related with the underlying complex directed network structure defined from the transactions. The business-to-business money flow on the firm network is approximated by the so-called generalized gravity model which is formulated by the adjacency matrix. Based on this model we can quantitatively estimate the change of money flow caused by a change of network structure such as failure or merger of firms. Systemic risk events can be simulated by assuming global changes of the network structure.

Research Program for Social Architecture Design via Agent Based Modeling

deguchi3Hiroshi Deguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Abstract:Agent based modeling is essential to bridge different specialities for social architecture design. At first we focus on the methodology of ABM & Social Architecture Design where how evidence based policy science & translational communication are realized. Agent Based Social Simulation(ABSS) should be designed not for formal scientific verification but for combining fragments of knowledge of different specialities. ABSS supports better communication and the construction of common understanding among stakeholders of the problems. Next we focus on Service Chain and POE(Point of Event) Data for Industrial Structure Design. Service chain includes supply chain as a special case. “Value in use” means “Value added” and consumption at the point of service creation. We analyze “Value Added & Consumption” for value in use on service chain from service accounting point of view. Information resources pay an important role for service chain construction as a platform. Service We analyze how to design “Hyper Variety Service Chain Market”. For the purpose, we analyze “Social & Organizational State Space Design” as double entry sate space. Axiomatic foundation of exchange is formulated as the extension of stock flow dynamics and single entry state space description. Exchange algebra is introduced as an abstraction of double entry bookkeeping system. In IOT era, double entry description is to be widely used for service process description not only in business firm but also in home. We apply exchange algebra to real world data processing & agent based social simulation for social architecture design. For the purpose we have developed agent based social simulation language SOARS and data compilation language(DCL) FalconSeed. FalconSeed stands for Framework of ALgebraic COmpilatioN for Social, Economical & Enterprise Data. We give an example of double entry data Streaming for point of energy events and its data streaming process. For designing home and community energy management system, we give a design prototype by agent based simulation with SOARS and FalconSeed. We can deploy calculation filters, that are developed by FalconSeed, on real world data streaming system after prototype testing by agent based social simulation. We have combined “Real World Data Processing” and “Agent Based Social Simulation” for designing Social Architecture.

Conference Program

Sep. 10


Sep. 11.




Sep. 12.




Sep. 13.




Banquet and Social Event

AESCS2013 Banquet and Excursion Tour